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ADRORIUM v0.11.0

NEW UPDATE: Automaton, 90 new blocks, asteroids everywhere, new ship

Build & manage your ship, defend against drone waves, loot wreckages, explore planets and conquer the galaxy.

Game genre:

  - 3D (realistic 3D space / 6 axis ship driving)
  - Advanced Spaceship Simulator (ship building / lots of buttons)
  - Space survival (ship dogfighting / 6 player bar stats)
  - Exploration (stations / sectors / wreckages / planets / ships)


  - Reach the galaxy center
  - Defend against drones
  - Upgrade your ship
  - Loot drones and stations
  - Manage your ship
  - Stay alive

Last update:v0.11.0(11-06-2024)
Next update:v0.11.1 (Q4 2024)
Stage: pre-Alpha
Project age: 7.5 years
Scale: One developer

Version history (Click to expand)

v0.11.0 Colossal Update (2024-06-11)     - Automaton
    - PDA designer
    - New progression system
    - Asteroids everywhere
    - 45 new tank blocks
    - 9 new gatlings
    - 9 new rocket launchers
    - 9 new boosters
    - 9 new rcs blocks
    - New main ship: Canigva
    - Inventory fetching V2 (MP)
    - More modding options
    - Rewrite for most of the code
    - 5 new metals
    - Crafting areas
    - Orbit mechanics
    - Automated ship firing
    - Simplified many recipes
    - 4 times bigger planets
v0.10.5.1 Bugfix patch (2023-12-10)    - Over 20 multiplayer bugfixes
    - Steam networking
v0.10.5 Convenience Update (2023-10-28)    - Planet survival scenarios
    - Inventory fetching
    - Reliable multiplayer connection
    - 4 new pois and drones
    - Adjacent upgrade
    - New blocks and new items
    - Finish game event
    - Atmosphere navigation
    - New crafting & npc panel design
    - New 3d models & images for items
    - Deck editing with tools
    - Popup crafting panel
    - Remote mission taking
    - New Autopilot/ Nav. Assist options
    - New player & suit model for mp
    - Over 390 fixes/small qol features
    - Fire through shields
    - Passive healing
    - Turret ammo unloading
    - Hover mode for ships
    - Lots of balancing
    - Auto item equip
    - 2 times larger planets
    - Clientside projectiles
v0.10.4 Energy Update (2023-03-20)    - Electrolyzer, fuel cells, transformer
    - Fusion & singularity reactors
    - New precise building system
    - RCS nozzle effects
    - New suitdock, lift and deck elevator
    - Updated energy console
    - All blocks on inside
    - Rename ship command
    - Lots of multiplayer fixes
    - New items and item sprites
    - More modding options
    - Dismantling gets all items back
v0.10.3 Overhaul Update (2022-09-26)    - New networking framework
    - New airlock
    - New Maz assault riffle
    - New shotgun
    - New models for several blocks
    - New ui design
    - New station missions
    - Added Photon networking
    - Targetable markers
    - Damaged blocks show on ui
    - Balanced loot and recipes
    - New item icons
    - Updated consoles
    - New sound effects
    - Many bugfixes
    - Performance improvements
v0.10.2 Farming Update(2022-06-05)    - New farming system
    - 3 new consoles
    - 7 new crops
    - New shield system
    - 9 new shield blocks
    - 17 new food items
    - New models for 24 current blocks
    - Target tracking
    - Feedback & news panels
    - Configurable brightness & light quality
    - Hull breach fixing
    - Lots of fixes and tweaks
    - Proper audio modding
    - Auto port forwarding
    - Dedicated server mode
    - Lots of new modding options
v0.10.1 LookShift Update(2021-12-19)    - New models for most blocks
    - New energy console
    - New multiplayer framework
    - New items and recipes
    - New blocks
    - Implemented voice commands
    - New block upgrade chain
    - Reworked loot/scrap progression
    - Ship speed is now saved
    - New button layout for consoles
    - Updated ship designs
    - Nicer planet material
    - Overhauled rover driving
    - Multi screen ratio support
    - Image modding
    - Updated manual
v0.10.0 Encounter Update (2021-05-17)    - New procedural planets
    - New turrets
    - New ships
    - New cockpit drive camera modes
    - Random wreckage encounters
    - New ui chat, popup and title
    - New diplomacy system
    - New planet base design
    - New end game enemy drone
    - Aiming assist
    - Updated crafting tree and loot tables
    - New enemy ai
    - Automated and multifunctional tools
    - Markers
    - Dynamic lights
    - New inventory and log panel design
    - 2 times larger sectors
    - New savefile format
    - Massive performance optimizations
    - New framework for missions
    - New ui animations
    - Extended modding support
    - Updated creative panel
    - 14 new blocks and few new items
    - New settings
    - Explored status for wreckages
    - Lots of bug fixes
    - Projectiles inherit ship velocity
    - New shield material and sunflare
    - Lots of new chat commands
    - Rewrite for the majority of the code
    - Ship model exporter
    - Projectile shield bounce chance
    - Fixed pda to belt
    - Lots of bugfixes and tweaks
v0.9.1 Landers Update (2020-12-12)    - Planet Landing
    - New Rover
    - Collision damage
    - New Booster
    - Simplified crafting tree
    - Sniper
    - Crouching
    - 2 new ship designs
    - Deck floors and hatch
    - Hull depressurization
    - Discord integration
    - New dying mechanics
    - Ship oxygen consumption
    - Aiming zoom
    - Vehicle crafting
    - Docking camera
    - Masterserver
    - Updated audio system for all blocks
    - New cargodoor
    - Consoles are stackable now
    - Frame limit option
    - Tweaks to all loot tables
    - Atmosphere visual effects
    - Screenshots with F10
    - Target trail indicator
v0.9.0 (2020-09-27)    - New campaign
    - New hull editing framework
    - New cockpit
    - Player weapon reloading
    - Multi deck ships
    - Support for very high ship speeds
    - 10 times larger sectors
    - Rover inventory and suitdock
    - New trading ui
    - New soundtracks
    - New challenge game mode
    - New Riroa9 ship
    - Lots of new items and recipes
    - Tweaked all loot tables
    - Trajectory calculations
    - Hitmarkers
    - Shotgun
    - More than 2 player multiplayer
    - New space dust particles
    - Support for audio modding
    - New liquid handling
    - Debug teleport command
    - Rewrite for the majority of code
v0.8.4 (2020-04-29)    - Docking
    - Block modding
    - New fps animations
    - New spacesuit
    - Reverse boosting
    - Lots of fixes and optimizations
    - Realistic personal thruster option
    - New save panel design
    - Advanced saving options
    - Removed speed limitation for blocks
    - Looting and crafting balancing
    - Pause singleplayer game
    - Block groups
    - New consumable items
    - Drone attack options
    - Suit oxygen consumption/refilling
    - Block destruction vfx
    - New item icons
    - New station services ui
    - Dodgeable interior turret bullets
v0.8.3 (2020-02-04)    - Subsystems
    - New ship combat mechanics
    - New targeting GUI
    - New menu GUI
    - Picked items GUI info
    - Item balancing
    - Redesigned planetbase
    - Multiplayer lobby
    - Added servers for all continents
    - Many bugfixes
v0.8.2 (2019-12-25)    - Configurable key bindings
    - New UI
    - Rocket launcher (player weapon)
    - Marked explored sectors
    - Flare
    - New controls
    - Singleplayer mode
    - Custom spawned item mesh
    - Bullet spread
    - Smooth custom item models
    - Working tools: upgrade/dismantle/damage/repair/pickup/destroy/move/rotate
    - Error/warning suppression
    - Multiplayer bug fixes
    - Multiplayer waving
    - Several new blocks
    - New stack sizes
    - More configs for gametypes
    - Working researchdock
    - Block info while holding tool
    - Better creative item list
v0.8.1 (2019-10-29)    - Many new held object models
    - 3rd person driving
    - New driving screen
    - Ship design image
    - Aiming
    - Lots of bug fixes
    - Better Autopilot
    - Better modding support
    - Many other new features
v0.8.0 (2019-08-17)    - Vehicles (Rover, Fighter, Esc.Pod)
    - New Ship building system
    - Room Framework
    - Sectors are 1000 times bigger
    - Ships move way faster
    - New main ship: Riroa8
    - Liquid Management Console
    - New drone
    - New spacestation
    - Proper Multiplayer
    - Multi-mod support
    - PDA Ship Designer
    - PDA Mission
    - PDA Maps
    - Liquid handling
    - Refuel/Repair/Upgrade Ship at spacestation
    - Craft & scrap spacesuit
    - Pry open airlock
    - Lens flares
    - New looting items
    - New blocks
    - New missions and dialogs
    - New hud icons(players/point of interests/sectors)
    - Relative Multiplayer positioning
    - Optimized saving filesize
    - Optimized network messages
    - Nuclear fuel replenishing
    - Made ammo easier to craft
    - Modable planets
    - New camera system
    - New skybox
    - Rocket engine vfx
    - Working fusebox
    - Better folder management
v0.7.2 (2018-12-25)    - Ghost building
    - Crafting tabs
    - Specialized asteroids
    - Ship status screen
    - Energy status console
    - New energy system
    - New looting system
    - New saving format
    - 3 new blocks
    - Persistent error logging
    - New console framework
    - Lots of buttons changed
    - Spawn ship with given faction
    - FPS walking and running animations
    - System auto-deactivate
    - Overwrite friendly Mods
    - Improved planet spawn algorithm
v0.7.1 (2018-09-29)    - Missions
    - Planets
    - Modding support
    - New tutorial
    - Planet bases
    - Planet elevator
    - New settings
    - New sound effects
    - New tutorial ship
    - Anti-pers. turrets
    - Hook gun
    - New items
    - New blocks
    - Cooking station
    - Player death
    - Multiplayer fixes
    - New panels
    - Autohide subconsole
v0.7.0 (2018-08-19)    - Uniscene
    - Configuration Files
    - New Game Framework
    - New Menu
    - New Settings
    - 124 New Items
    - 104 New Recipes
    - Mfmj Between Systems
    - Changed Some Buttons
    - New Ship
    - Repaired Asteroids
    - New Inventory System
    - New Inventory Sprites
    - Working Multiplayer
    - New Building System
    - New Fps Hands
    - New Useitm Animations
    - Trading (With Npc's)
    - Working Npc Dialogs
    - Ship Repair In Spacedock
    - Item Drop/Pick/Destroy
    - Logging Panel
    - Saves In Chronological Order
    - Auto Firing Mode
    - Reduced File Size To 60%
    - Creative Godmode
    - Move With 02 Cannister
v0.6.1 (2018-03-25)    - Shield console
    - Auxiliary power console
    - Ctrl. panel console
    - Multydirectional shields
    - New cockpit drivehud+buttons
    - Alarms
    - Door safety release levers
    - Move inside moving ship
    - Solar panel
    - Landing pad
    - Seating down
    - Dynamic ship collider
    - New ship movement
    - New power systems
    - Damage hud popups
    - Target indicators
    - Leaderboard
    - 3 autopilot functions
v0.6.0 (2018-02-04)    - Crafting
    - Farming
    - Elevators
    - New Ship
    - 52 new blocks
    - New spacedock
    - New spacestation
    - Complete console redesign
    - Server listing
    - Automated doors
    - Ammo consumption+ reloading
    - New drone
v0.5.4 (2017-12-23)    - New engine console
    - Mineable asteroids
    - Riroa5 got refitted
    - New blocks
    - New airlock mechanism
    - New ores
    - Saving
    - Multiplayer
    - Custom cargo spawner
v0.5.3 (2017-11-11)    - New weapon console
    - Working pistol
    - New ship weapons
    - New objectives for the game
    - Drone AI
    - Projectiles
v0.5.2 (2017-09-21)    - In-system mfm jump
    - Brand new console
    - Collisions
    - Planet
    - Infinite universe
v0.5.1 (2017-09-11)    - Save & Load
    - Multiplayer
    - New items
    - New gui for equipped item
    - New helmet
    - New player models
v0.5.0 (2017-08-31)    - More ships
    - New spacestation
    - 3 missions
    - Working escapepod
    - EVA suit(+mechanics)
    - New gametypes
    - New building blocks
    - New tutorial
v0.4.9 (2017-08-21)    - Warp
    - Tutorial
    - Voiceovers
    - Lore
    - Can use food & water
    - Many bugs fixed
v0.4.8 (2017-08-18)    - Sound effects
    - Main theme
    - Added tutorial
v0.4.7.1 (2017-08-16)    - Bug fixes
    - New gui system
Unreleased versions     - v0.4.7 (2017-08-16)
    - v0.4.6 (2017-08-06)
    - v0.4.5 (2017-07-27)
    - v0.4.4 (2017-07-21)
    - v0.4.3 (2017-07-12)
    - v0.4.2 (2017-07-06)
    - v0.4.1 (2017-07-01)
    - v0.4.0 (2017-06-27)
    - v0.3.3 (2017-06-13)
    - v0.3.2 (2017-06-05)
    - v0.3.1 (2017-05-07)
    - v0.3.0 (2017-05-01)
    - v0.2.1 (2017-04-18)
    - v0.2.0 (2017-04-15)
    - v0.1.3 (2017-04-08)
    - v0.1.2 (2017-02-27)
    - v0.1.1 (2017-02-19)
    - v0.1.0 (2017-02-19)
    - v0.0.6 (2017-02-10)
    - v0.0.5 (2017-02-09)
    - v0.0.4 (2017-02-08)
    - v0.0.3 (2017-02-07)
    - v0.0.2 (2017-02-06)
    - v0.0.1 (2017-02-04)


Ex-Zodiac is a fast-paced rail shooter with a stylized look reminiscent of early 90's 3D games. Join protagonist Kyuu as she fights to free the worlds of the Sanzaru Star System, overrun by the intergalactic terrorist organization known as Zodiac.

>>> Join the Discord Server! <<<


- A retro, colourful, low-poly visual style
- 9 main levels and 6 bonus levels currently (more than 12 will be available after full release)
- Major bosses at the end of each level, each piloted by a member of the Zodiac
- A 16-bit style soundtrack by +TEK combining FM and wavetable synthesis


This game plays best using an Xinput compatible analogue controller (Xbox, PS4 etc), however digital devices can be used too, such as a D-pad or keyboard (analogue is definitely the way to go, though!). The controls are also re-mappable.

System Requirements

The game should run on most systems, as long as your graphics card supports OpenGL 2.1

Please do not attempt to run this on a real SNES as it will melt.

Other Information

This game was created using the free and open-source Godot engine with some custom modifications.


Hello, friend

"If you're reading this, chances are things aren't looking too hot. But that's alright - take a deep breath and focus. Today is special, as they like to remind us.

It's a simple game they got us playin’ and you're gonna do just fine.

Ya pull the lever, ya see a number. Guess if the next number is higher or lower and, if you’re right, ya get some points and ya get to keep right on playin’.

If you’re wrong, well… let's not worry about that... You’re gonna do just fine.

Now, I know what you're thinking. That sounds too simple. And maybe it is. But when the timer starts ticking and the Sunken start grinding their teeth out in the fields and you can hear them clackin and crackin as they inch closer and closer, well, maybe simple’s ok. Maybe you just want a game to play before they send you back down and simple's just fine for that.

I heard one of us escaped years ago but who knows if that's true, could be somethin they tell us just to give us hope. Anyway, it's my turn. Wish me luck."

- handwritten note hidden under playing table

FLATHEAD is a game of chance and luck for the highest of stakes… your very existence.

While the goal is simple, and there are tools at your disposal, don’t look back too often because… it is coming.


Rising Up

( Chrome browser recommended for mobile devices )

Climb the Corporate Ladder... with Your Fists!

Unleash office mayhem! Leaving a trail of paperwork, shattered furniture, and fallen co-workers as you battle your way to the top!


Right Keyboard Left Keyboard Controller
Move ←↑↓→ WASD D-Pad / Left Stick
Jump Z J South Button
(DualShock X | Xbox A)
Attack X
K West Button
(DualShock □ | Xbox X)
Block C L North Button
(DualShock △ | Xbox Y)





Music by ANOINT – stream the soundtrack here

Burn With Me

Full release (Steam + itch.io) is upon us. News are coming, and they better be big.


Wanna follow the development/test our games?

Welcome to our Discord <3


Demonic deckbuilder made in 3 days for Ludum Dare 55.

-- top 1% (15/1650) in Fun, top 2% (32/1650) in Overall --

Place creatures on pentagram. Summon more creatures. Don't burn your whole deck. Be prepared for Him.


Summoned for you by "Nozomu Games" team:

Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge

Kamaeru is a cozy farming sim about collecting and raising frogs, farming, and preserving nature. You play as a kind soul helping an old friend restore the wetlands of your childhood by transforming them into a safe haven for friendly little frogs. With the help of the game’s cast of welcoming NPCs, you will photograph and breed frogs to increase your reputation, decorate your refuge, and plant native crops to help your amphibian abode thrive!

Collect frogs 🐸

Feed, breed, collect, and raise all of the game’s 500+ frogs! 🐸 It’s up to you to figure out the secret to attracting new and adorable frogs. You can complete your collection by unlocking all the rare colors through a special breeding mini-game. When new ones join your refuge, use the in-game camera to take photos of them and collect them for your frogedex! 

Restore the wetlands 🌾

In order to succeed in your quest for frog preservation, you will need to restore the nearby wetlands to their former glory. This will allow you to continually support and cultivate the area through a process known as paludiculture!

Dig ponds to let water roam the land again and plant native wetlands species to harvest precious crops. From there, you can transform your pickings into manufactured goods that can be sold to improve your froggy habitat further!

Customize your frog refuge 🎨

New furniture will bring new frogs with it! As you personalize your habitat, new breeds of frogs will be attracted to specific kinds of furniture. Plus, it’ll attract attention to the area–and with it, new visitors! You can even repaint furniture to better fit your own unique style sensibilities.


Get the game on Steam today! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1999140/

Thanks to your high resilience and your even higher scores on the Universal Weapon Handling Assessment, you were lucky enough to get hired as a security guard for top secret Project EXTRANEÜM (pronounced ex-strain-yum). You had no idea what this project was all about, but you certainly didn't sign up for a total overrun of the facilities by alien looking monstrosities.

Looks like you're doing overtime today. Grab your trusty knife and your standard issue SMG and send these abominations back to hell where they belong.


EXTRANEÜM is a brutal old-school first person shooter with an emphasis on exploration and secret hunting. Shoot monsters and find upgrades as you progress through the laboratories of Project EXTRANEÜM in search for the truth... and a way to put an end to it all.


This game is currently in development, but you can already buy it in early access, which includes most if not all features that will appear in the final game. A free demo is also available for download, which contains the first 4 levels of episode 1.

Leave a comment and rate the game if you enjoyed it. Any input, whether positive or negative, is greatly appreciated!

Press kit available here: https://extraneum.carrd.co/

The game is also available on Steam!: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1999140/Extraneum/


System requirements


  • Windows 7 64-bit
  • Intel Core i5-2400, AMD A10-6800K
  • 2gb ram
  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 460, AMD Radeon HD 5870
  • DirectX 11
  • These are the minimum settings that are guaranteed to give you a smooth gameplay experience.

Caves of Qud

Caves of Qud is a science fantasy roguelike epic steeped in retrofuturism, deep simulation, and swathes of sentient plants. Come inhabit an exotic world and chisel through a layer cake of thousand-year-old civilizations. Decide: is it a dying earth, or is it on the verge of rebirth?

Who are you?

Play the role of a mutant indigenous to the salt-spangled dunes and jungles of Qud, or play a pure-strain descendant from one of the few remaining eco-domes—the toxic arboreta of Ekuemekiyye, the Holy City; the ice-sheathed arcology of Ibul; or the crustal mortars of Yawningmoon.

You arrive at the oasis-hamlet of Joppa, along the far rim of Moghra'yi, the Great Salt Desert. All around you, moisture farmers tend to groves of viridian watervine. There are huts wrought from rock salt and brinestalk. On the horizon, Qud's jungles strangle chrome steeples and rusted archways to the earth. Further and beyond, the fabled Spindle rises above the fray and pierces the cloud-ribboned sky.

You clutch your rifle, or your vibroblade, or your tattered scroll, or your poisonous stinger, or your hypnotized goat. You approach a watervine farmer—he lifts the brim of his straw hat and says, "Live and drink, friend."

What can you do?

Anything and everything. Caves of Qud is a deeply simulated, biologically diverse, richly cultured world.

  • Assemble your character from over 70 mutations and defects, 24 castes and kits, and dozens of cybernetic implants—outfit yourself with wings, two heads, quills, four arms, flaming hands, or the power to clone yourself—it's all the character diversity you could want.
  • Explore procedurally-generated regions with some familiar locations—each world is nearly 1 million maps large.
  • Dig through everything—don't like the wall blocking your way? Dig through it with a pickaxe, or eat through it with your corrosive gas mutation, or melt it to lava. Yes, every wall has a melting point.
  • Hack the limbs off monsters—every monster and NPC is as fully simulated as the player. That means they have levels, skills, equipment, faction allegiances, and body parts. So if you have a mutation that lets you, say, psionically dominate a spider, you can traipse through the world as a spider, laying webs and eating things.
  • Pursue allegiances with over 60 factions—apes, crabs, robots, and highly entropic beings—just to name a few.
  • Follow the plot to Barathrum the Old, a sentient cave bear who leads a sect of tinkers intent on restoring technological splendor to Qud.
  • Learn the lore—there's a story in every nook, from legendary items with storied pasts to in-game history books written by plant historians. A novel's worth of handwritten lore is knit into a procedurally-generated history that's different every game.
  • DieCaves of Qud is brutally difficult and deaths are permanent. Don't worry, though—you can always roll a new character.

Words about Caves of Qud

“There’s a sense of magnificent history to dredge from its depths.” -Chris Priestman, Kill Screen

Caves of Qud is one of the best roguelikes in years, packed with evocative prose and featuring a captivating world of arcane secrets to explore.” -Heather Alexandra, Kotaku

“Narratively, this is one of the most compelling game stories that I’ve seen in a long time.” -Charlie Hall, Polygon

Caves of Qud has a particular kind of New Wave science fiction imagination that just can’t be beat.” -Cameron Kunzelman, Paste Magazine


The soundtrack can be purchased here: https://freeholdgames.itch.io/caves-of-qud-soundtrack