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Ballet of Steel


  • Thank you all for the kind words on the game and we've heard you voices. We we currently working on remaking this game to a fully fledged roguelike game. Expanding this little prototype with more content, polish and quality of life fixes. More details on that soon.
  • Our musician has uploaded the soundtrack to bandcamp, go check them out! https://lapspider45.bandcamp.com/album/ballet-of-steel


Play as a ballet dancer with incredible reflex, who can see bullets coming and swiftly swat them back, using the enemies weapons against them. With an unknown motive, she dives deep into the ruins of what was once a bustling metropolis, to find answers...

This is an atmospheric turn-based bullet hell game prototype inspired by games such as Enter The Chronosphere, Ultrakill, Radio the Universe and TWWWR. Fight your way through 9 floors full of mechanical foes in a dying world. 

The current build of the game is considered to be a prototype of the core mechanics we wanted to make for our take on mixing the bullet dodging action from bullet hell games and the strategy thinking from turned based rougelikes. This was made as a submission for the Bullet Hell Game Jam 5. We will be continuing to expand this concept into a full fledged game in the future (not very soon tho). 

Left click on highlighted tiles
Throw knife
Right click on enemy
Skip turn
Spacebar / Shift / Left click on middle tile
Restart game (WARNING)
Exit game
Alt+F4, ESC
How to Play:
  • Defeat all the enemies in the room in order to progress.
  • On your turn, move into bullets to parry them. On the enemy turn, bullets that move into you will hurt you.
  • You will lose 1 health from taking damage during a turn. If you lose all your health then it's game over. Keep in mind that there is no way to recover health in the game.
  • Your hitbox is slightly smaller than the tile you are standing on.
  • Parry enough bullets, and you will gain a knife. It is a powerful weapon that can be thrown using right click to inflict heavy damage and stagger. It also clears all bullets in its path. Knowing when to use your knives is key to mastering the game.

Current Know Issues

  • If you press Alt+TAB or change to a different browser tab, the music will permanently stop as punishment for your lack of focus. The reasons for which are detailed here.


Iced_Lemon -  Programming, Game Design
Lapspider45 - Music Composition, Sound Design
Zahran - Sprite Art, Graphic Design
KingW - Illustration
sorasu - Sound Design

Get the Soundtrack here:



You'll live a hundred lives in the Yondering Lands. You'll untangle human stories and fight mustering forces who threaten peaceful folks. You'll gather threads of beauty, magic, and strife to weave your own ever-growing legend, called Wildermyth.

* * *

An Imaginative Papercraft World

The Yondering Lands weaves hand-painted 2D characters and scenery into a 3D world to create a luscious, layered landscape, full of detail and surprises. No orcs, elves, or goblins here—but watch out for the telepathic insect-dragons and the clockwork undead.

Character Depth

Each of your heroes has their own unique generated history, personality, appearance, and relationships with the other heroes—all of which can change over the course of the game as they encounter mysteries and overcome challenges.

Choices That Matter

A hero may choose to trust the enigmatic wolf god, leading to a particularly hair-raising change in their appearance and combat abilities. Or they may choose whether to pursue a romance with a fellow hero, giving each of them new advantages from fighting side by side. Encounters and events have permanent, character-defining effects, letting you craft the arc of each character.

A New Approach to Death

Got one-shotted by that tentacled horror-bear? Choose to let a hero "fall back" with a maiming that can open up opportunities for transformation later, or let them go down in a blaze of glory to be remembered for generations to come.

Fresh Tactical Combat

 Combat in Wildermyth emphasizes teamwork and careful positioning. Walling and flanking provide conflicting incentives, and interfusion lets you remake the battlefield with explosive magic. Multiple difficulty levels mean you can get as intense as you want to.

Endless Replayability

Procedural generation gives you new heroes, new enemies, new story events, and new maps every time you play. Pick and choose from a huge bank of combat abilities as your heroes level up in each playthrough, and decide whether you prefer offensive or defensive tactics, brute strength, stealth, or magically flinging fire from a nearby lamp into your enemies' faces.

Build a Legacy

As time passes, heroes grow old and may retire, or may fall in combat. Adding them to a roster of legends allows you to call on them in later playthroughs, creating a metagame as you build their mythology and increase the renown of your pantheon.

Your Game

We built Wildermyth for you. We want to empower you to tell your best stories. Let us know what we can do to make it better.

Help and Support

If you're having trouble, see this page! You can also get help on our discord. And definitely update your graphics drivers if the game crashes, it's helped a lot of people.

DLC Links

Wildermyth - Armors and Skins by Wildermyth

Wildermyth - Omenroad by Wildermyth

The Silly Knight: Prologue

A knight finds himself in a prison cell. Ah, an instant classic. Help him escape and see what is hiding behind the door.

This is a free demo for a short game I plan to make when I have time and money.

  • Short point-and-click mystery experience
  • Cozy vibes of medieval penitentiary facilities
  • Lazy hand-drawn 2D graphics and animation
  • Some guitar jams you can call a soundtrack
  • Mediocre voice acting to torture your ears

Additional sound effects from freesound.org
Fonts from Google Fonts (Pangolin & Sofia Sans)
Made with Visionaire Studio 5

Alexander Preymak

Translator, silly man, and probably a cat

This demo wouldn't see the light of day without the help of my dear friends and egg-xecutive producers Christopher Sacchi and Bea Armstrong.


Mind Over Magnet

Escape a dangerous factory using the power of magnetism. You must team up with three different magnet friends and use their unique abilities to solve more than 60 tricky single-screen puzzles.

This game comes from Mark Brown, the creator of the YouTube channel Game Maker’s Toolkit. You can follow his game making journey on YouTube... and soon play the final result for yourself!


  • Solve more than 60 puzzles, in 6 different floors as you work your way up the factory.
  • Use magnetism to move blocks, open doors, travel over gaps, and more.
  • Meet a cast of cute magnet friends and borrow their handy problem-solving abilities.
  • Scour the levels to find hidden bolts, and unlock… something! Probably! I'm still making the game!

Note: description and screenshots depict a game that is still in development. Features, visuals, and content is subject to change as development continues.

Note 2: The Mac version has some bugs - I'm looking in to it! Thanks for your patience!

rock climbing?

This is a challenging rock climbing game where you control a two-headed creature that jumps and clings.

How to Play?

  • Stay calm.
  • Aim for the rock where you want to land.
  • Hold the button and release to jump.
  • Rotate in the air for better alignment.
  • Avoid hitting your second head to prevent bouncing.
  • If you miss, take a moment and listen to the relaxing mountain sounds, then return to the first step.

Thank You for Playing!

If you enjoy the game and have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to share.

You can also play the free version with ads here: rock climbing?


NO-SKIN is a roguelike game characterized by a horror atmosphere and a smooth yet complex gameplay. Face the horrors that the house hides behind every corner and discover who the No-Skin Man truly is!


  • Unique art style: photos in the background combined with hand-drawn pixel art characters.
  • High replayability: play with different characters, unlock new content between runs, and experience different outcomes from each playthrough!
  • Horror atmosphere: immerse yourself completely in the unsettling and surreal atmosphere of this game...