
Jendrik Illner

Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 335 - April 14th, 2024

GM Shaders Guest: Radiance Cascades

  • the blog post explains the Radiance Cascades technique for global illumination
  • shows the different stages of the algorithms and how to implement them for 2D cases
  • source code is provided

Flattening Bézier Curves and Arcs

  • the post presents three methods to convert (Quadratic, Cubic) Bézier curves and elliptical arcs into line segments
  • provides interactive examples to visualize the methods
  • An example javascript code is provided

3D Toon Rendering in 'Hi-Fi RUSH'

  • the GDC presentation provides an in-depth view into how the visual stylized shading was implemented
  • covers a large number of topics from Deferred Toon Rendering, Comic Shader, over Global Illumination to Toon Face Shadows and more
  • the game is based on Unreal Engine 4

DirectX State of the Union Ft. Work Graphs and Introducing DirectSR (Presented by Microsoft)

  • the GDC 2024 presentation covers the problems with Draw Indirect and how Work Graphs are designed to solve them
  • presents a walkthrough of the API and how AMD/NVidia have started to use the feature
  • additionally introduces DirectSR, the new API that abstracts upscaling techniques behind a command D3D API

[video] Coding Adventure: Rendering Text

  • the video deep dives into font rendering
  • starts by exploring the True Type Font format
  • showing how to extract the glyphs and the bezier curves that represent them
  • discusses several techniques to render the curves to form the fonts
  • presents issues and solutions for a large number of issues encountered

Graphics Programming Conference

  • a new graphics programming conference to happen in Breda (Netherlands) in November
  • currently looking for speaker and master class proposals

Thanks to Aras Pranckevičius for support of this series.

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Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 334 - April 7th, 2024

Recreating Nanite: Runtime LOD selection

  • the blog post discusses how to implement a continuous LOD system for meshlet-based rendering
  • shows how to calculate the error metric and structure the data for GPU access
  • presents how to select the correct LOD level at runtime
  • A video of the results is included

Optimizing UE5: Rethinking Performance Paradigms for High-Quality Visuals - Part 1: Nanite and Lumen | Unreal Fest 2023

  • the presentation provides an overview of the Nanite and Lumen systems
  • shows a high-level look at which parts affect performance and how performance intuition doesn’t match the classical rasterization model
  • the whole presentation slide deck is done in the UE5 editor

[video] Dithered Transparency in Unity Shader Graph

  • the video explains the difference between alpha blending and dithered transparency
  • shows sorting issues related to blending order and how dithered transparency solves them
  • presents how to implement the technique using Unity Shader Graph
  • additionally shows the limitations of the technique

RenderDoc - Version v1.32

  • the latest version adds support for Slang with Vulkan, additional extensions support, D3D12 Pixel history support, and many bug fixes

Copy Queue woes.

  • the article presents how usage patterns of copy queues to upload and download data from the GPU can significantly affect the amount of stalls
  • discusses the different patterns and presents timelines to show the waits
  • additionally shows how multiple copy queues interact and the importance of copy queue priorities

Real-Time Lighting with Gaussian Splats

  • the blog post describes a method to apply lighting to Gaussian Splats
  • shows methods to reconstruct geometry with normals and how to filter the results
  • additionally discusses limitations and ideas for improvement or leveraging of existing mesh-based solutions

[video] DJ! Swap that chain!!! // Vulkan For Beginners #7

  • the latest video in the series explains how to create a Vulkan Swapchain
  • explains the different presentation modes
  • additionally shows how to create a view of the different images of the swap chain

Thanks to Unai Landa for support of this series.

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Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 333 - March 31st, 2024

Game optimization with the AMD radeon developer tool suite

  • the GDC presentation provides an overview of the profiler tools available from AMD
  • presents the updated shader analysis tool, including a preview of the single shader stage mode
  • additionally presents an overview of the raytracing and memory debugging tool improvements

Moebius-style post-processing and other stylized shaders

  • the article presents a walkthrough of how to implement a post-processing effect that emulates Jean Giraud’s art style
  • shows how the author approached object outlines, shadows, and lighting patterns
  • provides interactive WebGL implementations that showcase the individual stages of the implementation

Open sourcing the WinPixEventRuntime under MIT

  • the blog post announces that the Windows PIX runtime has been released as OpenSource
  • this includes logic to decode PIX events as well as the runtime logic that writes ETW entries
  • additionally, the team is looking for feedback for a proposed task API for PIX

Sampling the disk from a square: The adoption method

  • the article introduces an alternative low discrepancy sampling strategy for circles
  • provides a quick introduction to rejection sampling
  • shows how adaption could be used to sample only within a quad within the disk and still fill the whole circle with samples
  • compares the characteristics of the technique and presents the applications to different shapes

Efficient CUDA Debugging: Using NVIDIA Compute Sanitizer with NVIDIA Tools Extension and Creating Custom Tools

  • the blog post describes how to use the CUDA Compute Sanitizer to implement a resize-aware memory pool
  • additionally discusses the APIs available to allow memory debugging more insightful

[video] GDC 2024 - Shader Instrumentation with GPU Reshape

  • the GDC presentation discusses how the GPU Reshape tool enables GPU timeline validation
  • explains how the validation logic can be written in an API-agnostic manner
  • provides a look at future developments where the same infrastructure could be used for profiling or data debugging

Ray Marching: Menger Sponge Breakdown

  • the article provides an introduction to ray marching
  • explains the underlying concept and how it compares to ray-tracing
  • extends the concepts to introduce the various operations (scaling, translations, boolean operations) required to express geometry
  • combines the knowledge to build a fractal object called the Menger Sponge

Thanks to Jhon Adams for support of this series.

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Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 332 - March 24th, 2024

Mesh shaders in AMD RDNA 3 architecture

  • the presentation discusses mesh shaders and the techniques they enable
  • discusses how to compress index data and how to allow quad source data
  • presents the importance of vertex reuse and meshlet generation for performance

[pdf] Post-mortem GPU crash analysis with AMD radeon GPU detective (RGD)

  • the presentation presents why debugging GPU issues is difficult
  • explains how the AMD Radeon GPU detective presents information to help developers track issues down
  • presents how to use the tool, read the information, and understand the cause of the issue with the information provided

Upgrade Your Graphics: Explore New Ray Tracing Features for NVIDIA Nsight Tools

  • the article discusses updates in the Nvidia developer tools
  • covers new debugging capabilities, improved performance collection, and profiling tools

Procedural grass rendering

  • the blog post describes how to implement a procedural grass system using mesh shaders
  • explains how the grass mesh is described using bezier curves and combined into a grass patch
  • presents how to write the index/vertex buffers for efficient rasterization

GI-1.1 adds support for glossy reflection rendering

  • the blog post provides a brief overview of how glossy reflection got added to the GI 1.1 release
  • looks at how the denoiser is required to reduce the inherent noise images

GDC 2024: We reveal incredible Work Graphs performance, AMD FSR 3.1, GI with Brixelizer, and so much more

  • the article provides an overview of the announcements AMD made during GDC
  • additionally provides links to the slides and videos of the presentations

Adventures with Differentiable Mesh Rendering

  • the article explains how to approach differentiable rendering for mesh-based rasterization
  • presents the limitations of a simple method and how to achieve it with PyTorch
  • expands the idea to expand the idea with soft probability to solve some of the limitations

Graphics Programming – Where To Start?

  • the article provides a suggested collection of resources for beginners in graphics programming
  • covers mathematics, working with APIs, and writing shaders

[video] It is illogical (device) // Vulkan For Beginners #6

  • the video provides a brief overview of the difference between physical and logical Vulkan device
  • presents the C++ code necessary to implement the device creation

Thanks to Stephen Hill for support of this series.

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Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 331 - March 17th, 2024

[video] Too Many Developers Ignore These Optimisations

  • the video provides a walkthrough of the steps when optimizing a voxel renderer
  • each step is explained and visualized to make it very easy to understand
  • covers a large number of optimizations and, for each, discusses the effect on performance and memory usage

Unlock Seamless Material Interchange for Virtual Worlds with OpenUSD, MaterialX, and OpenPBR

  • the article provides an overview of the different models available to describe the appearance of a mesh using OpenUSD
  • Explain the advantages and the disadvantages of the available methods

Agility SDK 1.613.0 Available Now, Including Support for GDC 2024 Showcase Features

  • the article provides an overview of all new features available in the D3D12 Agility SDK update
  • covers work graphs, new shader model, accessible memory for CPU/GPU, as well as unifications on shader creation

D3D12 Work Graphs

  • an overview from Microsft into what work graphs are
  • what possibility it enables, a brief summary of the spec
  • additionally points out the changes since the preview version last year

Work Graphs in Direct3D 12: A Case Study of Deferred Shading

  • the article provides an overview of how a G-Buffer classification system for BRDF selection can be authored using work graphs
  • provides performance numbers for the work graph and an Uber shader approach
  • discusses lessons learned, pitfalls, and performance considerations
  • It additionally discusses the open challenges and future developments

GDC 2024: Work graphs, mesh shaders, FidelityFX™, dev tools, CPU optimization, and more.

  • AMD provides a list of talks they will be presenting at GDC (starting today)
  • each talk is given a small summary and where it’s taking place

Font- and vector-art rendering with mesh shaders

  • the article provides a detailed walkthrough of how to implement Loop’s and Blinn’s font rendering approach from Siggraph 2005
  • provides an overview of the approach with many visualizations
  • shows how to implement the algorithm using D3D12 mesh shaders
  • source code is provided

Random walk method for quaternions

  • the blog post discusses a method for generating uniformly distributed quaternions
  • explains the theory of quaternion and the proposed method to generate random rotations
  • provides an implementation without using trigonometric in C++ SIMD as well as GLSL

Cross-Stage Shader Optimization

  • the whitepaper presents which tools and optimizations passes in spirv-cross and glslang are available to optimize shaders, taking advantage of knowledge from multiple shader stages
  • shows an example of how vertex outputs can be eliminated if the connected pixel shader doesn’t read the attribute

Recreating Nanite: LOD generation - faster, better, simpler

  • second part in an article series about creating a LODing system that allows per-cluster LOD selection
  • focuses on performance and quality fixes for the proposed solution from part 1

[video] 3D Gaussian Splatting! - Computerphile

  • the video provides an explanation of Gaussian Splatting and how it connects to point clouds and nerfs
  • presents the base idea and optimizations that have been applied to speed up the technique

PIX 2403.08 – New D3D12 features + misc PIX improvements

  • the blog post provides an overview of new features and improvements in PIX
  • additionally presents at which state of support the new D3D12 features, such as shader graph, shader model 6.8, etc.

Thanks to Erika for support of this series.

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