
JetBrains Blog (.NET Tools)

Rider 2024.2 EAP 4: Inline Rendering of Doc Comments and Tasks View

Another week, another Rider 2024.2 Early Access Program build!  This EAP build is packed with highly anticipated features such as the Tasks view and inline rendering of documentation comments. Let’s have a look! Inline rendering of documentation comments Instead of a wall of text mixed with tags, inline rendering changes these comments into a more […]

Bug Fixes for ReSharper 2024.1.4 and Rider 2024.1.4 Are Now Available!

The new bug fixes for the 2024.1 release are available to download.  ReSharper ReSharper 2024.1.4 fixes a couple of notable issues: You can find the full list of fixed issues here. Rider In addition to fixed issues from ReSharper, Rider 2024.1.4 delivers several important fixes of its own:  For the full list of fixed issues, […]

dotCover Command Line Tools for Automation Testing Code Coverage

The ultimate goal of creating a testing strategy is to be confident that you and your team have done their due diligence to deliver a quality product. Test harnesses typically include a mix of unit tests, integration testing, automation, and manual testing, each with advantages and disadvantages for your overall strategy. Determining the effectiveness of […]

Code Style for Better Productivity – Tips and Tools from the Metalama Team

While it may seem trivial, one of the first steps in creating  a maintainable, team-friendly codebase is reaching a consensus on code style and ensuring its strict enforcement. This includes code formatting (spaces, blank lines, parentheses, and brackets), naming (casings, prefixes, suffixes, etc.), and usage of this, var and more. The ultimate goal? Make running […]

Rider 2024.2 EAP 3 Is Out!

The latest installment in the Rider 2024.2 Early Access Program has just been released! Let’s take a look at the changes. Bundled .NET Watch Run Configuration plugin dotnet-watch is a .NET global tool specifically designed to monitor file changes during development and promptly reload or restart the target command. One of the standout features of […]

The ReSharper 2024.2 Early Access Program begins!

We are excited to announce the launch of the Early Access Program (EAP) for ReSharper 2024.2! This initial EAP build is now available for download and offers a preview of the upcoming features and enhancements. Your feedback is crucial in helping us refine these updates, so we encourage you to try out the new build […]

Rider 2024.1.3 and ReSharper 2024.1.3 Updates Are Out!

Another set of updates to the latest major releases of Rider and ReSharper have just been released.  Just like the previous update, this one contains more than just fixes. Let’s take a look! ReSharper 2024.1.3 New inspection for unawaited calls to PartialAsync in Razor When developing Razor views, it is common to overlook async method […]

dotInsights | June 2024

Did you know? A commonly used sorting algorithm known as Bogosort is also referred to as the ‘slow sort’. Because the algorithm works by generating all permutations of its input until it finds one that is sorted, makes it significantly inefficient and impractical for large data sets. Despite its impracticality, it’s often mentioned in computer […]