
Real-Time Rendering

Normals Gone Bad

Short version: check out my free, open-source tool to check if normals textures (those bluish things) are well-formed, and fix them when you find they’re not. Code’s for Windows, but it’s command-line driven and should be not-too-hard to translate to Linux. The page explains the problem, solutions, and proper formulas. Let me know of any […]

EGSR, HPG, and I3D

SIGGRAPH rejection notices went out yesterday, so time to note a few other graphics conference venues to consider. I3D 2024: May 8-10, Cesium, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Well, you’re too late for the Call for Papers, but you should consider going. EGSR 2024: July 3-5, Imperial College, London, UK. On July 2nd is a material appearance […]

Two classic radiosity books now free

John Wallace, with Michael Cohen’s help, just finished the hard work of freeing a book they coauthored on radiosity, putting it under the least-restrictive Creative Commons license. They wrote the first computer graphics book on the subject, Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis, in 1993. It is now free for download. Skimming through the plates at […]

EGSR 2024 dates and Call for Papers is up

EGSR 2024 will be at Imperial College, London, on July 3rd through 5th. See https://egsr2024.uk. Tobias Ritschel and Abhijeet Ghosh are the conference chairs, and Elena Garces and I are program chairs. The Call for Papers is now up. Ruth Rosenholtz (below, from MIT and now NVIDIA) has accepted our invitation for the first keynote. […]

OBJ lives on

Yesterday I accidentally drag-and-dropped an OBJ file onto Visual Studio 2022 (I was aiming for G3D’s viewer, which I love for OBJs, despite one annoying bug – hoping it’s fixed someday). To my surprise, VS2022 opened and displayed it! It even looked fairly reasonable. Googling a bit, they seem to also support FBX and DAE […]

USD and glTF Resources Page

Here’s my new page about USD and glTF resources: https://www.realtimerendering.com/usd_gltf.html – if you see anything missing or wrong, let me know. I’m no expert, still learning. Which is in part why I put this page up, to get feedback. This past year I made two minor contributions to the USD Working Group Assets repo. Being […]

Lights on, no one quite home

I gave a talk about ray tracing yesterday. For my entertainment, before the talk I asked ChatGPT what ray tracing is. Its full answer was pretty good overall. However, it stumbled at the start – I’ll let you figure it out (hint: Plato). There are some other small oddities (e.g., “follow similar paths”) and “I […]