Half Lambert 勘误¶
半兰伯特光照模型的勘误。感谢 b 站 UP 主 给你柠檬椰果养乐多你会跟我玩吗。
Half Lambert 是 Valve 在开发《半条命》时提出的,所以他们的官方文档肯定是最权威的。
To soften the diffuse contribution from local lights, the dot product from the Lambertian model is scaled by ½, add ½ and squared. The result is that this dot product, which normally lies in the range of -1 to +1, is instead in the range of 0 to 1 and has a more pleasing falloff. 1
网上大部分的文章里都漏掉了平方。《Unity Shader 入门精要》也是。